Wednesday 18 January 2017


SMO Services

 Socialize your Brand  

Social Media Optimization involves strategies for increasing your brand awareness on various social media. The search engines give ranking to websites based on the user’s feedback on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. So it is all the more important for your business to indulge in SMO. Social sites are very popular among users for interacting with other people, and these sites are also a good source of information for people who search about products and services. Advertising your business on social sites will lead to more people talking about your services and this leads to more conversions.

Choosing the best SMO service is very important to beat the huge competition online and stay ahead of your competitors. The success of your website depends on the SMO campaign you select. Our effective and unique SMO services enables you to meet potential customers and engage existing customers.

We at Quuick Solutions understand the importance and the need of SMO marketing and have excellent SMO packages to offer. We plan social media campaigns to create awareness and positive discussion regarding your business products and services. Our SMO packages come at an affordable price and are personalized as per your business needs.

We are a leading company and have a dedicated team of SEO experts who will advise you effective solutions to improve your business online. We use advanced technology and the latest tools to promote your brand on popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. These social websites have huge traffic so you have a greater reach, increased visibility and massive awareness.

Our SMO services will benefit your business in many ways

· Create a strong online presence

· Promote your business on several social mediums

· Get an edge over your competition

· Drive huge traffic to your website

· Increase sales to your business

· Build your network in social websites to bring in more customers

Tags: Seo Services in Hyderabad,Best Seo Companies in Hyderabad,Seo Packages In Hyderabad,Seo consulting in Hyderabad,Digital Marketing Companies in Hyderabad,Digital Marketing Services in Hyderabad,Quuick Solutions In Hyderabad,Social Media Services in Hyderabad, face book Marketing Services in Hyderabad,business advertising in Hyderabad

Advertise Your Business Through Bing Ads

Bing Ads is an online advertising platform that enables you to reach your customers across the Yahoo Bing Network and make them visit your website. Bing Ads provide a collection of tools and information that will help you to place ads for your business on the internet.Using Bing Ads, your ad gets displayed along with the search results when a person makes a relevant search on Yahoo or Bing.

The Benefits of Bing Ads

Competitive Advantage

Bing Ads give you a competitive advantage over others who are using other search ads. Not all people use Google for searches. If you are not using Bing then you are missing this audience. Your competitors might be already advertising on Bing and it is a disadvantage if you choose not to advertise through Bing Ads. 

You Pay Less

The Cost per click for Bing Ads is much lower when compared to other search ads like Google Adwords due to lesser competition. As there are few businesses that are using Bing Ads, there is less competition and there is more possibility of your ad being clicked and you get more conversions. Bing Ads CPCs is 50% lesser when compared to Adwords so you get more clicks for the same budget.

Bing Vs AdWords

Reach a Wider Audience

It has been researched that there are millions of distinct searches in the UK that can be reached only through Bing. 

Yahoo Bing Network users are more likely to convert than the Google users as per the estimates. Bing enables you to reach a different set of audience.

Creating Bing Ads Account

Log In

Create an account in Bing Ads. Then sign in to your account.

Creating your first campaign

Click on Campaigns at the top of the page. You will see the Create Campaign link. Click on this link.

Setting campaigns

The next step is to set up your campaign by giving details like your campaign name, time zone, budget and locations.

 Your First Ad

In the next step you will be taken to the Create an ad page. Here you can add your ad details like title, ad text, display url and destination url. You can also add keywords you want to bid. You can see a preview of your ad and make the necessary changes. This will be the first ad of your Ad Group. You can create multiple Ads and Ad Groups later.

Selecting your Keywords

The next thing to do is to select the keywords you want to bid. The keywords that you entered for your first ad will be added to your first Ad Group. You can create Ad Groups with categories and add related keywords to them. This ensures a better conversion rate. Using irrelevant keywords and creating ads that are not relevant to the keywords that the users are searching for affects the performance of your campaign.

Optimizing your bing ad campaigns involves creating additional ads and making a list of the negative keywords.
Follow the below steps for the complete setup of your campaign.

Bids, Targeting and other settings

Enter your credit card information and start your campaign

Optimizing your Campaigns

Your ad’s success depends on the click-through rate. The more the CTR the more conversions for your ad. To increase the click-through rate you can create multiple ads with small variations. Bing will use multiple ads and see those ads with a high CTR. This way you can improve your ads each time with better headlines and ad text and experiment with the different keywords.

Tags : SEM(Search Engine Marketing Services)Advertisement,internet Marketing,PPC Marketing Services Management Company,Digital Marketing Paid campaign Management Services,Best Seo Companies in Hyderabad, Best SEM Services in Hyderabad

Tuesday 17 January 2017

      Facebook Marketing Stratergies for Businesses

Facebook is a popular social networking website that allows its users to upload photos and videos, share stories, post messages and stay in touch with friends and family. With more than a billion users, Facebook is available in 37 different languages.

Facebook is a great tool for business owners to increase traffic, sales and to create brand awareness.

Increase Traffic to Your Site:

Most businesses are going online, by building a website to increase their businessvalue. Just having an online presence is not enough. Leveraging the internet will improve your sales and profits. 

                                                                        Facebook Like Button:

The Facebook Like Button allows visitors to share a page of your website with others on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like Button on your site, a link to that page appears in that person’s Facebook News Feed. This is a great way to direct traffic to your site.

Advertise on Facebook:

Create a Facebook Page:

Make your business online with a Facebook Page.A Facebook Page will help you reach your audience. You can interact with your customers, who in turn like your Page and share them with friends.  Connect to a larger audience with interesting posts. Creating a web address like company will make your Page easier to find. The likes on your Page will attract a larger audience to your posts.

Create an Ad:

Facebook Ads will lift your business value whether you are a new or a small business. As there are a billion people using Facebook and more people adding each day, creating ads is a great way to reach your target audience. 

Creating a Facebook Ad is easy and you can add it to your Facebook Pageor your own website.

Join Facebook Groups:

FacebookGroups allow members who share a common interest to interact with each other. This is one of the many strategies to market your brand on social media. It is a great way to keep your customers informed about your products and services. 

Add Facebook Url to your Emails

Facebook Contest

Build your Facebook Community

Facebook Reveal Page

Promote your Facebook Page Offline

By Following this progression your website gains more traffic which helps to boost your business in trending world.

Tags: Seo Services, Top Seo Services,Best Seo Services,Seo Services in Hyderabad,Best Seo in Hyderabad,Seo ranking,Top Seo in Hyderabad,Seo blog,Seo Hyderabad.